How you can invest with us

Priority investment shares

The preference shares do not carry voting rights at the general meeting. Shareholders have the right to participate preferentially in the Company's profit generated by the Company for the relevant financial year up to 7.5% of the nominal value of each preference share. The remaining part of the profit shall belong to the holders of the founder shares.
The preference shares carry a right to a preferential interest in that part of the Company's other equity or liquidation balance which represents or has been generated from retained earnings from previous years, up to 7.5% of the nominal value of each preference share. However, the preference shares do not carry with them the right to participate in the distribution of the Company's other own funds or liquidation surplus unless it is derived from the above source.
The preference shares are not fixed profit shares.

Debt instruments

Bond programme Coming soon

A bond is a security that obliges the issuer (the issuer of the bond, which will be a company owned by the fund) to pay the owner (the investor) the amount of money specified in the terms of issue of the bond, including the relevant interest, at the given date. Unlike a share, this type of security provides a predetermined and regularly paid financial return (coupon) and the bondholder will receive back the full amount invested on the maturity date of the bond. The coupon is the interest on the bond, which is most often expressed as a percentage of the face value of the bond. Bonds will be issued under the Bond Programme with a maturity that matches the investment needs of the Fund.

Provision of a business loan secured by a promissory note of the Fund

The investor may provide a business loan to the Fund, which is secured by the Fund's promissory note. The maturity of the loan, its interest rate and the frequency of payment of the proceeds are set out in contractual documentation agreed by both parties. The terms and conditions of the loan (maturity and interest rate) are fixed in advance with regard to the maturity of the loan. The loan is granted in accordance with the legislation in force.

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