“In the midst of every trouble, lies great opportunity.”
―Albert Einstein

Transparency, reliability, strong financial and professional background. These are the main attributes that the self-managed fund SNP INVEST, investiční fond, a.s. can offer.

Thanks to its design, it is able to provide protection against cyclical fluctuations in financial markets.

The Fund's main investment strategy is to achieve long-term appreciation by investing mainly in loan receivables and equity interests in companies with a focus on comprehensive receivables management

Territorial focus is on the regions of Central and Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, North and South America.

How the Fund Works

„Our goal is to create stable and profitable opportunities for our investors while carefully managing risk.“

Petr Rasocha
board member

About the Team


Only qualified investors within the meaning of § 272 Act no. 240/2013 Sb., on investment companies and investment funds. We are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.

It is a self-managed (self-administered) fund whose investments are the responsibility of the fund's board of directors. The administrator of the fund is AVANT investiční společnost, a.s., the fund's depositary is kept at CYRRUS, a.s. and the fund's auditor is ECOVIS. You can find more information about our partners here.

In the form of investment shares or a traditional debt instrument. We are also preparing a bond programme. More information can be found in the How to Invest section.